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Air Dryers

Non Cycling Refrigeration Dryers

Electric-Driven Two Stage - Air Cooled
Electric-Driven Two Stage - Air Cooled

The CD-Series refrigerant dryers are carefully selected depending on working conditions with continuous dew point monitoring enabling reliable operation with the lowest possible pressure losses and running costs. This range offers a wide range of kW sizes and caters for a larger range of airflows than the cycling dryer range.

CDF-ES Series Cycling Refrigeration Dryers
CDF-ES Series Cycling Refrigeration Dryers

The cycling dryer is designed to deliver the lowest cost solution by focusing on all of the cost contributors. In a typical compressed air dryer, the refrigerant compressor runs continuously regardless of demand. With a cycling dryer, circulating glycol cools the compressed air allowing the refrigerant compressor to turn-off during low demands, to save energy and cost

CDF HP Series, Refrigerant Air Dryers (Non-Cycling)
CDF HP Series, Refrigerant Air Dryers (Non-Cycling)

CompAir's high-pressure refrigeration dryers deliver safe and constant quality, dry compressed air for various demanding environments such as PET bottle blowing, water jet cuts and aeronautical valves, in ambient temperatures of up to 50°C.

Desiccant Air Dryers

Heated Blower Desiccant Air Dryers
Heated Blower Desiccant Air Dryers

High Performance. Maximum Reliability. Low Profile Design 500 - 14,900 m3/h

Twin Tower Heatless Desiccant Dryers
Twin Tower Heatless Desiccant Dryers

Engineered for maximum reliability, long life, and easy service access

Modular Desiccant Dryers
Modular Desiccant Dryers

A-Series modular compressed air dryers - a dedicated solution for every application